I'm unable to edit a payment. Changing the amount, then pressing 'Save' does nothing. No messages, no errors in the console.
Hi, I'm a new Akaunting user and started to configure everything (add clients, vendors, items, ...). Now I also added a default account with my current balance. Now when I tried adding a test invoi...
Hallo everybody, I have problem when run akaunting on localhost : The PHP CLI executable file is not defined/working or its version is not 7.2.5 or higher! Please, ask your hosting company to set PH...
When trying to pay via Mollie I get the following error: Error: Request failed with status code 403 at e.exports (invoices.js?v=2.0.13:1) at e.exports (invoices.js?v=2.0.13:1) at XMLHttpRequest.h....
Currently when you are creating your email template, each newline (enter-key) creates a new paragraph. Is it possible get two lines under each other without them being separated by whitespace? It coul...
I think the developer team has updated the mobile version of the akaunting as now i can't see the "side menu bar" on the dashboard for viewing my invoices, sales, etc. Please rectify this error as soo...
Hello. I rotes this before but i wonder why i can't find it. Anyway, why the reports is not that accessible compare to other modules? when i tried to access the reports it just keep on loading. Any o...
How function the SUSCRIPTION?
Hello, I get an error forbidden when I try to import bank transactions from xls file. Does anybody knows how to resolve? I used the example file and am on the hosted site. Thank you in advance!
Currently, we are using mixes of Sage Accounting and Quicken for our non-profits. Will Akaunting be able to replace those apps? (Yes, I know it's vague - unfortunately, I'm the tech guy, not the accou...